LeadsLeap - Since 2008
This is a LIFETIME FREE membership offer
Who Else Wants FREE traffic, Autoresponder, Page Builder, Popup Creator, Link Tracker, and to Make Money Now!

Here’s what you’ll get FREE...

Traffic to your websites. Human, not bot.

Autoresponder. 10 lists, unlimited subscribers.

Page builder. 10 pages, hosting included.

Popup creator. 10 popups, hosting included

Link tracker. 199 trackers and 10 rotators.

Make money. 5 ways, some super easy.

And more. Read on to find out...

A Time-Tested System Since 2008


LeadsLeap launched.

The only product was an unobtrusive leads building network.


Ad Widget Introduced.

Members can promote other members' ads on their sites and make money doing that.


Popup Form Creator Released.

A free popup maker for all members.


The Real Tracker Created

It was the World's First link tracker that can track the surfing duration of third-party links and tell you if the visit is from a real human.


Social Review System Added.

Pro Members can submit product reviews and get traffic from the Search Engines.


Free Autoresponder Added.

It later evolved into our current full-fledged Sendsteed List Manager.


'Earn-As-You-Surf' Ad Viewing System Launched

Members can get paid to view ads based on the time they spent surfing the ad.


Page Builder Added

This completes our arsenal of essential marketing tools, equipping every member with the capability to build an online business at ZERO cost.

Share Code System Created

Team leaders can share their marketing funnel with their leads, enabling them to replicate their success.


'Side-By-Side' Tutorial System Added

Members can now view step-by-step instructions alongside their Member Area, allowing them to follow the steps without toggling between pages.


Traffic Coop Introduced

Suddenly, members' ads were viewed across thousands of other traffic networks, causing a surge in traffic to members.


PDF Link Rebrander Added

Pro Members can create rebrandable PDF that promotes any program they like.

Real Visitors Sent
App Use
Real Visitors Sent
App Use
How LeadsLeap Works
Click the 'How' you want to know

Is LeadsLeap For Me?
Are you looking to increase traffic to your website?
If your target audience includes online marketers and opportunity seekers, LeadsLeap is exactly what you need. Our platform is frequented by these audiences. We also have a coop network that gives you exposure to traffic in other traffic networks.
Learn how we send you traffic.

Are you a beginner trying to make some money online?
LeadsLeap is the perfect starting point for you. We offer very simple ways to make money, like viewing ads, to more advanced methods like building your online business. We have all the tools you need to make money at different levels.
Learn how you can make money.

Are you a budding marketer trying to build an online business?
LeadsLeap is your ideal partner. Most of the marketing tools we provide are free. For instance, with our free autoresponder, you'll never lose your list due to missed payments. As a budding marketer, you may need time to learn the ropes. With LeadsLeap, you have no pressure to pay. You can grow at your own pace.

Are you a team leader wanting to elevate your business to the next level?
LeadsLeap provides advanced marketing tools like the PDF Link Rebrander and Share Code system. Imagine creating a marketing system your leads can replicate to achieve the same success you have. Since most of our tools are free, your leads can follow your footsteps without breaking the bank. They will thank you for using LeadLeap system to guide them.

If you answered YES to any of the above, then LeadsLeap is for you.
300+ Testimonials Can't Be Wrong
“I've used many all-in-one systems in the past, but I've yet to discover anything that can even come close to the overall benefits that have come from using LeadsLeap.”
Clive Anderson
“LeadsLeap has all the free tools and advertising platforms any newbie can dream of, and all that is accessible to the FREE member and even more to the PRO member. ”
John Magellon
“I became a Pro member a few weeks ago and the day after becoming a Pro member I received some surprising results with a few people opting into my programs!”
Hasan Florence
And More Comments In Our Blog
“Thank you Kenneth. I can tell you really care about the membership on this Site. You give us just about every tool we need to succeed. Including the motivational tips in the Newsletters. They help a lot to stay focused and keep moving forward.” See actual comment
Robin Robinson
“Leadsleap is hands down my favourite, all round, marketing platform. And just when I think there’s no way this can get better, you prove me wrong. Thanks for everything you do and Merry Christmas to you and all involved in this fantastic business.” See actual comment
Michael Williams
“Freeeeaaaakin’ amazing! LeadsLeap becomes more and more the absolute alternative to many expensive tools and platforms out there… Plus, none of them has traffic included like we have with LeadsLeap. Awesome work as usual, Kenneth!” See actual comment
Kay Winkler
Why free? What's the catch?
If you understand why Google provides so many great tools for free, you'll understand why we do the same. Our advertisers are interested to reach out to internet marketers like you. When you use our Free services, we hope that you can support our advertisers. Just hope, not force.

Do I need a business to get started?
No. On the contrary, you can find a business that suits you in our system. But if you already have a business, it's even better. You have a purpose to join.

Is LeadsLeap newbie friendly?
Some say LeadsLeap is the easiest system they've seen, while others feel overwhelmed. Honestly, there is a trade-off between functionality and simplicity. It's like driving a Lamborghini — overwhelming at first, but not rocket science. We have the detailed step-by-step guide. It's just a matter of getting used to the interface and knowing which button to click.

Do you have a paid membership?
Yes. We offer Pro Membership at $27 a month, no other upsell. Pro Members have their ads shown in the network 24/7 without credits. They also have unlimited lists, pages and popups, and access to other advanced features such as email series, PDF link rebrander, etc. Upgrade is 100% optional.

Do I need a website or hosting?
No. You can have your own website or hosting, but that is not a must. You can build webpages using our system and have them hosted by us, for free. List and popups are hosted by us too.

What kind of support will I get?
We provide a 'side-by-side' tutorial system. You can follow step-by-step instructions without leaving the working page (read more in our blog). You can also contact me, Kenneth Koh, founder of LeadsLeap, via our Support Ticket system. Yes, I answer all support tickets personally. That's my commitment to you.

Too Good To Be True?
Get in and decide for yourself.