-Don't sit on the sidelines-Get-in the-game
Don't sit on the sidelines-Get-in the-game


It's never a good idea to site on the sidelines
Isn't it time you got in the game?

As many of you know, I love this site called GotBackUp.
I promote it all the time.


There are 5 main reasons.

1) The product is superb
2) It is affordable for everyone at 9.97 per month.
3) The comm-ission structure is very generous-
200% per-month 1 and 75% thereafter.
4) Commissions-get pa-id weekly and on time
5) We help build your downlines for you.


I have known Joel Therien, the owner, for 20
years and he is the real deal.

You can count on him for a great site and even more importantly great training webinars.

For those of you who are sitting on the sidelines don't let next Wednesday come and go without you.

Every week I am putting people in my matrix.

The longer you sit on the sidelines, the sooner you will get closed out.

Anyone on my team who upgrades before Wednesday
night will be put into my matrix on Thursday Morning

I keep building our team and I keep putting people
into our matrix.

Don't sit on the sidelines. Get-in the-game.


go get um

Jane Mark

Special Pricing...Don't miss the Wednesday deadline

Upgrade your account now while it fresh in your mind
Once you upgrade, you do into my matrix and we are
number 6 on the leaders board so you are in good hands.

But...you need to upgrade by Wednesday evening in order
to get put in my matrix under me on Thurday.

I recommend that you buy the monthly 9.97 package
to use the backup product or save some dough by paying
for a year upfront for 99.00 bucks.

Be sure to buy the onetime payment of 40.00 bucks that lets you
become an affiliate and to ear-n those high-commissions.

And... if you need help getting people under you, you
can purchase the 199.00 package where Joel Therien and
his team will help build your downline for you.


I have ea-rned $2,826.71 in a little over a month.
( $402.57 was earned by my upline and he did no promotion at all)

He is living off the fruits of my labor and that's
the way it is supposed to be.

You could have this too.

Get some upgrades under you who want to promote or
want to learn how to promote and you too can live off
the fruits of someone's else's labor.

That's called building a business online.

Nice work if you can get it!

But you need to get off the sidelines and get in the game.
