A different and novel idea for your Promotions
Hi there,

YourProfitBar is a new idea for building your own, creative
notification BARs in a different, appealing fashion.

Creating your own Bar is extremely easy and Bars are
highly customizable with rotating text or banner.

You can set up to 15 different customizations to each bar
and each bar can be set to run at the top or at the bottom
and can rotate up to 5 sites.

You can be creative and make your own Bars truly UNIQUE!

You can use your Bars to...

Build a List
Drive Web Traffic
Display notifications
Show site announcements
Increase Visitor Engagement
Underline a website features
Promote multiple websites
Show-up Specials or Offers

...And More!

Furthermore, YourProfitBar is also a Features Rich Ad Platform
and by joining you will get an INSTANT Advertising Package at zero cost!

Announce, promote Offers, display Notifications,
increase Visitor & More

Get your FREE Profit BAR Today!

