Hello Folks,

There is a new Advertising/Income program that will be launching on the 2 6 th. 

This will be like nothing you have ever seen, with Login Ads, Text Ads, 3 Different

Sizes of Banner Ads, and Solo Ads.

The comp plan will be a “ACTIVITY BASED” and no recruiting is required to earn.

You purchase an ad pack and when it reaches the top it cycles, and you are paid

double your purchase. 

There has been a problem with these types of programs in the past because people

purchase and move on to the next program and the number of people required to cycle

keeps dwindling and dwindling.

This is where the ACTIVITY BASED part of the program kicks in keeping only active

participating members positions in line to cycle. 

There will be 5 daily activities and one weekly activity required. 

The daily activity is to log in and then click on two text ads and two banner ads. 

If a member does not perform these activities their positions move down 5 positions

in the straight line that day allowing active member positions to leapfrog inactive members. 

The weekly requirement is to click on a confirmation link in a solo email once per week. 

This forces people registering to use a valid email and to open and read the solo ads

because not every email will contain an activation link. 

If a member does not click on an activity link in a solo ad during the week, they will

get three daily warnings to do so and then their positions in the straight line will be purged.

The person still keeps all of the ad credits they purchased; they just lose the option to

earn on those packs in the straight line. 

You can start for as little as $10 or up to as many packs as you want.

Obviously, there are no guarantees, but with the leaders that are coming into this program.

I believe those that join early will cycle a few times relatively quickly. Don’t miss out.


After listening to these 3 guys you will run right to the sign up page, and join:

https://d3d186wal5fdrt. cloudfront.net/AAC/2023-1019- AAC-TSS-wSimon.mp4