Brief update on 1 year simple cycler.

1. Subscriptions have increased from 182 a
few days ago, to 200 currently.

2. Cycling jumped again as the result
of a few adjustments.

Cycling activity for last 3 days:

679 cycles 3 days ago – launch day

312 cycles 2 days ago

473 cycles yesterday

Register if not a member and get a pif
for a position.

Most new cyclers start going in the opposite
direction after launch day.

Not here.

My guess is that daily cycling will continue
increasing, incrementally, day by day, as
more members see e.arnings growing
and start to reinvest, promote and deposit
additional funds.

If most cyclers worked like 1 year simple
cycler does, they would still be around.

Pennies add up to dollars, over time.

Don’t miss out. This one is a keeper.

Any questions, drop me a line or give me a call.

Carl Goodnight