That this new site pays you 200% comm-issions
for the first month and, even after that,the comm-ssion
structure is about as generous as any I have seen online
It is a whopping 75%.
I found that out when I started promoting and,
in just 11 weeks, raked in a whopping $5424.45
( 547.80 was my upline who did nothing at all)
He profited from my promoting.
That's how you build an online business
We kicked our team up to number 8 on
the leader's board and...
I would like to you to join my team
I call it the GoGetUm team.
and it is flying.
You will be getting pa-id for something we all
do every day all day long and that is back up
our memories and our dreams on our computer.
Most of you know that I house all my sites
with Joel Therien on his servers.
I have known Joel for almost 20 years.
He is an all around great guy.
He always develops great products
He pays his commissions exactly when due.
You want to be part of this.
And here is the really cool part...
this site has a conversion rate of
2 free to paid sign ups.
In my 21 years online that conversion rate
is almost unheard of.
I am of course an upgraded member, as is my partner Phil.
and here is the part that I love best
1) you can upgrade for as low as 9.97 per month
and just use the product and that is great or
you can pay 99.00 per year and get more storage
and save some dough.
2) If you want to promote it and get paid as
an affiliate that will cost you 40.00 bucks
one time and that's it plus the 9.97 per month.
3) If you want your affiliate link promoted for
you that can be done and you sit back and collect
the dough. That cost is $199.00 one time but here
is the rub. That Done for you service is going
to over $500.00 after launch.
You need to grab the $199.00 as you sign up
or it disappears.
I grabbed payments 1 and 2 and then
I grabbed that 199.00 done for you service.
I suggest you do too if you can swing it.
Having Joel promote for you is like having
a virtuoso violinist on your side.
I am promoting this site like crazy.
I am a pretty good promoter so you will
be in good hands.
I love the product which is a back up of your files
and the precious memories you store on your own
but... even more, I love the fact that many of you
may not have the time to promote and ea-rn and
if you can pay the $199.00 and let Joel's team
promote and close for you, you will be sitting pretty.